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Frau mit Pelz im Sonnenaufgang


For generations, we have been cultivating skinning of fur as a genuine craft. With us it has become tradition.

As professionals, we see ourselves obliged to deal responsibly with the natural resource. Nowadays, a critical discussion must be allowed at any time. In order to get rid of their old image, various model boards and breeders have joined together in associations to deal with a sustainable approach to the nature. We refer our skins exclusively to breeders belonging to such associations. These provide special and appropriate requirements for their breeding.

Tradition, sustainability and the appropriate attitude are no longer mutually exclusive. We will continue to try to control the origin of our skins carefully and to prevent unfair contact with the animals by the breeders.


Furs are won under strictly controlled and absolutely animal-friendly conditions. Imagine, that the livestock farming is more animal-friendly than that in the extraction of leather or other everyday products.

What remains then?

An environmentally sustainable and flawless product with properties that can not be made more environmentally friendly or sustainable by using synthetic raw materials.

Fur is green.

Pelze in Berlin - Der Traditionsbetrieb in Berlin Charlottenburg

Visit our store in Berlin

We are excited to meet you at our Boutique in Berlin-Charlottenburg